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Defrosting in cold water

How To Thaw Applesauce In Cold Water

Important: Don't use this method if you froze the applesauce in a glass jar. If the water isn't cold enough, you risk shocking the glass, and it'll shatter.
Prep Time 5 minutes
Defrost Time 2 hours
Total Time 2 hours 5 minutes


  • A resealable plastic bag (for applesauce ice cubes only)
  • A large bowl OR a clean sink
  • Cold water
  • A smaller bowl


  • Take as many bags/containers of applesauce as you need from the freezer, or pop a few applesauce ice cubes into a resealable, plastic bag.
  • Fill your sink or a bowl with cold water (not warm). Put the bag(s) or container in the water.
  • Set a timer for 1 hour. Check on the applesauce. Replace the water with fresh, cold water and re-set the timer for 1 hour. Repeat this step as often as needed.
  • Empty the thawed applesauce from the container or freezer bag into a smaller bowl.
  • Stir well and serve directly or reheat further as needed.
Keyword defrosting applesauce, defrosting applesauce cold water, how to defrost applesauce, how to defrost applesauce in cold water, thaw applesauce cold water, thawing applesauce cold water