Can you freeze cottage cheese? Yes, and this step-by-step guide will show you the dos and don’ts of freezing cottage cheese to get you the best results.
Freeze-ability Index
How Long in Freezer
3 to 6 months
Best Stored In…
Freezer bags
How to Thaw
What to Expect
Separation (clumpy bits and water)
Can I Re-Freeze?
Not recommended
Does Cottage Cheese Freeze well?
Cottage cheese freezes relatively well, but there are few things to consider beforehand. Bear these points in mind before you put cottage cheese in the deep freeze:
- Whole-fat or large curd cottage cheese freezes better than fat-free or low-fat cottage cheese. You can still feed fat-free or low-fat, but expect more water separation after freezing cottage cheese that has a lower fat content.
- Thawed cottage cheese is suitable for use in recipes like cream-based soups or sauces, pasta dishes (lasagna, mac & cheese), and baking (pancakes, cheesecake, etc.)
- You can eat defrosted cottage cheese right away, but there’s a trick to make it taste and look better.

Freeze Cottage Cheese in A Freezer Bag – A How-To Guide
- A measuring cup (1 cup)
- Small, resealable, plastic freezer bags
- Freezer labels
- A permanent marker
- A straw (optional)
- Space at the back of your freezer
- Spoon 1 cup of cottage cheese into each freezer bag.
- Seal the freezer bag but leave the corner of the bag unsealed. Press the bag gently to remove as much as air as you can.
- Straw "vacuum seal" trick (optional): Slide a straw into the bag and suck out the air so the bag "shrinks" around the cottage cheese. Slide the bag down the straw as you inhale, and quickly seal the bag while you remove the straw.
- Seal the bag completely. Then, put this bag into another freezer bag, press out as much air as you can, and seal it.
- Write today's date on a freezer label, stick it to the bag, and place the bag in the back of your freezer.
Can Unopened Cottage Cheese Be Frozen?
Yes, you can put a container of unopened cottage cheese in the freezer, which is arguably the easiest and fastest way to freeze cottage cheese. Here’s how to freeze cottage cheese sealed in its original container:

Freeze Cottage Cheese In An Unopened Container – A How-To Guide
- A resealable, plastic freezer bag big enough to hold the container
- Freezer labels
- A permanent marker
- Space in the back of your freezer
- Put the unopened container of cottage cheese into a freezer bag just in case the container seal breaks while in the freezer.
- Remove as much air as you can from the bag and then seal it.
- Straw "vacuum seal" trick (optional): Slide a straw into the bag and suck out the air so the bag "shrinks" around the cottage cheese container. Slide the bag down the straw as you inhale, and quickly seal the bag while you remove the straw.
- Write today's date on a freezer label, stick it to the bag, and place the bag in the back of your freezer.
Equipment Shopping List
I made this quick list for you in case you noticed that you were low on freezer bags or realized it was time for a new slotted spoon (I mean, you do deserve a present after all!)
I’ve either used these tools or added them to my own shopping list because they’re affordable and they get great reviews. Add them to your next Amazon order!
The Best Portable Blender (Kitchenaid)
• 100+ Reviews
• 4.5 out of 5 Stars
• Powerful, easy to clean
• Blends, chops, whisks, & more
The Handiest Freezer Labels (Chinco)
• Hundreds of Reviews
• 4.5 out of 5 Stars
• Water-resistant, easy to remove, no residue
The Best Mixing Bowls (OXO)
• Over 1,500 Reviews
• 5 out of 5 Stars
• Dishwasher safe & BPA-free
• No skidding or wobbling
How Long Does Cottage Cheese Last in the Freezer?
You can keep cottage cheese in the freezer for 3 to 6 months.
Try to defrost and eat it within 3 months of freezing, when it starts to lose its flavor.
How To Defrost Cottage Cheese
There are 3 ways to defrost cottage cheese:
In the Fridge (Best Method) – Thawing frozen cottage cheese in the fridge is highly recommended because it’s the safest and best way to defrost it.
In Cold Water (Faster) – Use this method if you need to defrost the cottage cheese fast.
While Cooking (Fastest) – No defrosting needed here. Add frozen cottage cheese directly to your recipe and let the heat from the pot/pan melt it.
How To Defrost Cottage Cheese In The Fridge
- Take the bags/containers of cottage cheese you need out of the freezer.
- Place each sealed freezer bag into a bowl (doesn’t matter if you froze the cottage cheese in its original container.)
- Place the bowl(s) or towel(s) with the freezer bag(s) into the fridge and allow it to thaw for 24 hours.
- Take the bag(s) of cottage cheese out of the fridge.
- Open a corner of the bag OR a part of the container and drain the liquid into the sink.
- Pour the drained cottage cheese into a bowl.
- Stir the cottage cheese well.
What To Do With Dried Out Defrosted Cottage Cheese
If the cottage cheese seems dry, add sour cream and stir it in (1 tablespoon of sour cream per 1 cup of cottage cheese.) You don’t need to do this if you’re cooking with the cottage cheese.
How to Defrost Cottage Cheese In Cold Water
- Take as many bags/containers of cottage cheese as you need from the freezer.
- Fill your sink with cold water (not warm). Put the bag(s) in the water.
- Set a timer for 1 hour. Check on the cottage cheese. Replace the water with fresh, cold water and re-set the timer for 1 hour. Repeat this step about 4 times.
- An unopened container of cottage cheese will take longer to defrost.
- Open a corner of the bag or container, and drain the liquid into the sink.
- Pour the drained cottage cheese into a bowl.
- Stir the cottage cheese well.
- If the cottage cheese seems dry, add sour cream and stir it in (1 tablespoon of sour cream per 1 cup of cottage cheese.) You don’t need to do this if you’re cooking with the cottage cheese.
How To Defrost Cottage Cheese – Cook It
If you’re cooking with cottage cheese (like making sauces or soups), drop a chunk of frozen cottage cheese into the pot and let it defrost directly in your cooking. Stir well.
How NOT to Defrost Cottage Cheese
- Don’t defrost cottage cheese at room temperature—you risk spoilage and food poisoning.
Can You Defrost Cottage Cheese in the Microwave?
No—don’t defrost cottage cheese in the microwave. It could heat up too quickly and separate the cheese from the liquid even more.
What to Expect After Defrosting Cottage Cheese
Here’s what to expect in terms thawed cottage cheese:
- The flavor of cottage cheese after freezing won’t change. If it smells or tastes sour, toss it.
- Color won’t change after freezing. If it’s turning yellow, toss it.
- The texture of cottage cheese is most affected after freezing because it’s liquidy, which doesn’t matter if you’re cooking with it.
- If you want to eat thawed cottage cheese, add sour cream and stir it in (1 tablespoon of sour cream per 1 cup of cottage cheese.)
Can You Re-Freeze Cottage Cheese?
We don’t recommend that you re-freeze cottage cheese because the texture will get worse every time you freeze and defrost it.
If you need to re-freeze it, then defrost the cottage cheese in the fridge and keep it there before putting it back in the freezer.
Right, But What About…
Do you know a better way to freeze cottage cheese? Or are you looking for info on something else? Leave a comment below or email us—we’d love to hear from you!